Quantum Wrench

Travel, politics, and guns, occasionally simultaneously.

Location: Indiana, United States

As behooves one bent on world domination I don’t want to reveal too much about myself until I have a good firm grasp on things, which should be sometime next week. I’ll tell you all about me when I am running things, in fact me will be a compulsory subject

Monday, November 06, 2006

First ever.
Let's talk about the elections.
It’s the eve of our national elections. Tomorrow is the day that we’re going to play spin the bottle with the future of the Nation and to a lesser extent the future of the world. Frankly this disgusts me. Here’s why.
1: The Republicans haven’t been doing THAT bad a job, with the lamentable exception of the travesty of the patriot act and other assaults on individual freedoms, in case folks haven’t noticed unemployment is down, interest rates are rising, but very slowly, DESPITE media rumors of impending hikes for the last three years, overall the economy isn’t bad.
2: The Democrats didn’t really do that bad a job before the Republicans, with the lamentable exception of THEIR many assaults on individual personal freedoms. Overall I don’t think they did quite as not badly as the Republicans but that’s a matter of personal preference.
3: Did ya ever notice (with apologies to Andy Rooney) that the media seems to hate whoever is in office?
4: MSN wants to know if the Saddam verdict will affect the vote, OMG what is this SHIT? Could someone please explain how the fact that the Ole Nasty Bastard is gonna get a short drop and a quick stop could possibly affect the outcome of the elections. And a BIG STFU to you stupid liberal conspiracy theorists who are gonna regale me with tales of George Dub fixing the verdict in order to accomplish whatever nefarious ends you think he wants accomplished. There is only one way to affect policy in the land of sand, and thats with a bullet.
5: Politicians are scum, pure and simple, I am so sick of the mud slinging, over simplification of the issues ( this one really gets me), and general bullshit that I need two years to recover after this one, and every year it gets worse. I saw the world beater last night, this sphincter John Yarmuth, let me rephrase that, this Giant Gaping Sphincter John Yarmuth, runs a typically nasty campaign ad aimed at his equally viciously mud slinging opponent Ann Northrup. The ad is your typical political propaganda with the exception that at one point there is a voice over in which the announcer is telling the audience that aforementioned Asshole Yarmuth wants to protect seniors, and obviously Northrup wants to turn them all into Soylent Green, the visual is some definitively demented old bat bawling her eyes out. It’s just sick, and I am sick of it.
6: The major media outlets think people want drama, if there isn’t sufficient drama in the world the media will fabricate it, last year the local news was chocked full of three and only three things, gay marriage, do the Titty Bars have too close at 0200 or 0400, and the other “issue” was so inconsequential I can’t even remember it now, perhaps some other cynic from the Louisville area will be so good as to remind me. My primary thought was, “don’t we have more important things to worry about”?
7: Vote your conscience folks, It’s worth it, you might make a difference, and if you don’t vote you have no right to bitch, and that’s really what it’s all about. The goofs in the media think that most people are so weak minded that they will change their vote to back whomever they are told is going to win, so as not to back a looser, or won’t bother to vote if they are told that it’s a lost cause. Prove the thought police wrong.


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